What is Amazon Attribution and how it works?
In Amazon’s race to win additional ecommerce sales from online customers, they are also developing their analytical tools. It is known for a long time that other giants like Google have developed their analytical tools years ago, such as Google Analytics and Search Console. Amazon seems to be entering this space by adding amazon attribution feature to their suite of tools for Amazon sellers.
As an Amazon seller, you probably are already not only harvesting the traffic that Amazon is offering you, but also sending external traffic to your Amazon listings, coming from social media influencers, and authority websites.
What you couldn’t do so far – was to see how this external traffic contributed to the overall sales velocity of your listings. Now, there is a way to do that too through Amazon attribution platform, with some simple setup rules.
Blog Content brief:
- What is Amazon Attribution?
- How to get started with Amazon attribution?
- What metrics can you see?
- How to setup Amazon attribution?

What is Amazon attribution?
Amazon attribution is one of Amazon’s recent analytics & measurement tools, that allows you to track sales that come from other traffic channels such as Facebook and individual websites. All you need to do is generate the tracking pixels (small pieces of codes) from Amazon that are called “attribution tags” and implement them across all external traffic that you will be sending to your listing.
For the first time on Amazon, advertisers are able to generate tags on their own without requesting assistance from Seller Support, and all this is done through the self-service console. Today, average shopping journey is more complex than ever and it is much harder to track customer’s journey than before. The average customer will make multiple interactions with brands before deciding to make a purchase, both on social media and authority websites. That is why Amazon Attribution program uses 14-day attribution model. This means that the conversion data will go 14 days in arrears to better understand how many clicks are necessary to make a purchase.
Some of the key benefits include:
- Gather cross-channel insights – if you drive traffic from your other channels and not only from Amazon, you will find this feature to be a true eye-opener. With clear understanding of how each channel performs, you can easily eliminate the things that don’t work and double-down on the things that do work.
- Additional suite of metrics – aside from gaining basic insights such as: impressions and clicks, you will receive access to conversion metrics such as – detail page views, purchases and adds to carts. All these metrics are super valuable to anyone who is working hard at getting their product ranked on Amazon because adds to carts and clicks are one of the most important metrics for ranking.
- Retargeting possibilities – through Amazon attribution, you consistently expand your audience of prospects that are present on social media, that you can retarget later on through DSP. This is also one of the reasons why it is super important to drive external traffic to your listings.
- Funnel-like brand presence – with the already familiar platforms, you can create very unique creatives to promote across social media, which helps you create a competitive edge and a custom feeling towards your product. Once the prospects are hooked on the Facebook ad, you can choose a custom landing page to drive them to. This combination is beneficial because you have insights into both top-of-the-funnel metrics such as: clicks and impressions, but also end-of-the-funnel metrics such as: adds to cart and purchases. All of this is visible within the same interface, making the whole process a lot more streamlined.
How to get started with Amazon attribution?
Using this feature is free, but you still need to sign up for it, and make sure you’re Brand registered on Amazon. That is the first step. Once you are approved in this program, you will be able to choose which products you want to track conversions for. Then you can generate a tag in the attribution interface and apply it to all channels that you use to drive traffic to your Amazon listing.
Once you implement the tags, the data collection starts. You will receive access to some highly elaborate reports and insights into how each traffic channel is performing. Once you gain better understanding into what works, you can easily maximize your ROI (return on investment) by doubling-down on the things that work.
What metrics can you see?
Amazon attribution will allow you to see both metrics from the top of the funnel traffic, and end of the funnel traffic.
Top of the funnel metrics are clicks and impressions. End of the funnel metrics are product detail page views, adds to carts, purchase rate and sales. Seeing and understanding these metrics is crucial for you to know where to invest your money and maximize your ROI. The best part of these metrics is that you can download them as a report.
How to setup Amazon Attribution?
You can easily setup attribution tags by using the following steps:
- Register through either Seller Central or Vendor Central – first you need to register for the Amazon attribution program and get approved. Once approved, you can start building attribution tags for all traffic channels you use to drive traffic to your listing.
- Start creating attribution tags – this is done through creating “new orders”. You can choose to create attribution tags either manually or through using bulk files. By using bulk files, you can create up to 100,000 attribution tags at the same time.
- Choose which product you want to track – mark the products that you are doing special promotions for. In example, if you are promoting a discount, you’re doing on one of your listings, you’ll want to track those product’s performance in order to know how many visitors turned into shoppers by clipping the coupons.
- Choose the “publisher” – publisher here is known as a traffic channel, basically. So, with this level of settings, you are able to choose on a product level and traffic level to generate attribution tags.
What are some of the best practices when using Amazon Attribution?
Once you’re all setup and your campaigns are ready to go, they will start collecting the data and it’s time to take action again.
- Target the right audience – social media, especially Facebook, have always been one step ahead of the curve in defining audiences. Use their resources to narrow down audience definitions to the users that will be your potential shoppers one day.
- Improve conversion rates – by directing your external traffic to custom landing pages and storefront, you are able to improve conversion rates. The metrics from Amazon Attribution easily allow you to calculate what traffic source is contributing to the highest conversion rates on Amazon, and act accordingly.
- Ad copy split testing – having access to expand your product reach across social media, also gives you the opportunity to test out various ad creatives and learn how the audience reacts to each one. With continuous split testing, you will quickly find the winner copy and adjust your product listing creatives according to the conclusions from your social listening efforts.
- Use bulk operations to speed up the process – don’t handle this manually if you have hundreds of different campaigns across multiple traffic channels. Bulk files are also available here which makes the whole process a lot easier.
With the latest development of Amazon Attribution tool, Amazon made their debut into the world of advertising analytics for the first time. Other platforms such as Google have been using UTM codes (very similar to Amazon’s attribution tags) for years now, and Amazon seems to have entered the race of providing the means for advertisers to measure the impact of their advertising efforts.
It’s free, easy to setup and it helps you make better business decisions; so there is really no reason why you shouldn’t use it.