Amazon PPC Portfolio

Take a look at some of the examples of our previous work.

If you would like to know more details about any of these please contact us.

This year in April, a client came to us asking for help with PPC. He has already developed a strong Amazon business fast. What he lacked was structure and established standard operating procedures. They also knew that a lot of improvement could be made with PPC. We started by adding close to 400 new campaigns to his account and quickly scaled the account by uncovering hidden potential in long-tail keywords he never knew they had. We have also decreased cost in their account by using various cost-cutting methods as well as testing new things. After two months of hard work, the sales in the account have doubled from 100k/month to 200k/month, and ACoS dropped from 35% down to 26% on average.

Our client here was interested in launching 4 new products in a collection that was already successful, so we implemented an innovative solution to launch these new products not only with their existing audience but also with new audiences deriving from Facebook, that we built from them. We used a combination of internal traffic coming from Amazon PPC and external traffic coming from Facebook, Google ads and their own email list. The 4 products were launched successfully and after that we repeated the product launch process multiple times for this brand.

We took over this client’s account and within a matter of two weeks we showed a significant decrease in ACoS and increase in sales velocity. Before our management, the account had very unstable ACoS ranging between 75% – 150% which was extremely unprofitable for them. They also had a very low level of sales velocity which heavily affected their organic ranking too. With applying the correct methods, we managed to drive their ACoS down to 30% on average in an extremely competitive category, and raise and maintain high levels of sales velocity.

When we first started with this account, 40% of the 180k/month profit was eaten by high ACoS. The account already had a very significant sales velocity and many of the products were already marked “Amazon choice” from the whole portfolio, so our main focus was to decrease the cost as well as improve the quality of traffic that came through to the product listings. After two months of hard work and countless campaigns launched and tested, the account started generating 3k-4k more a day in sales, at an ACoS of 20% on average.

In this project we had a situation that product went out of stock which heavily affected the organic ranking of this product, as well as skewing the results everytime it was re-launched. We have developed a strategy to quickly pick-up sales velocity again with the usage of external traffic sources. As you can see in this graph, we have brought this product’s sales velocity back to life in a matter of days.

One of the most common principles of scaling an account that is in a high-velocity category is: to first take care of excess cost and then, expand the campaign reach and improve sales upon the increased reach. This account had a lot of untested opportunities, and with continuous testing within a matter of 4 months we were able to triple their sales.

This is a clear example of maintaining low ACoS for months in a 6 figure account.

Amazon recently launched brand analytics where you can easily see the contribution of your advertising efforts to building brand loyalty. For one of our clients, establishing brand loyalty was a big part of his long-term business strategy. These were the results after three months of executing their branding strategy. The branding strategy included: storefront design, EBC content optimization, using multiple sponsored brands campaigns and driving external traffic to the store through a custom landing page.

We utilized the upcoming Prime day to generate initial sales velocity for this brand that needed more expansion. Their product is in a very competitive category but it is a product that never existed before, so we had to find innovative ways to market this product. Sales velocity is one of the biggest parts of BSR ranking and after the initial Prime day breakthrough, ranking for this product really picked up and we continue to improve it.

This client runs an Amazon business as a side-project and likes to keep the account at a level where their profitability is highest. We didn’t have a lot of room to scale, but we did take care of ACoS by maintaining it at around 5%.

During the Coronavirus crisis, our client sold out their stock too fast, so we focused on mid-level products to supplement the income.

image of performance during corona

This is a typical result of one of our auto “catch all” campaigns. The purpose and the goal of campaigns is to target second and third page placements as well as times of the day during which there is less competition.
This is done through extremely low bids run in an auto campaign. It usually end  up with low sales volume but also very profitable ACoS.

image of a catch all campaign

If you like what you saw, contact us and we’ll do the same for your brand!

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