About the Author
Anthony Bui-Tran
From his home in Houston, Anthony built his first 7 figure Amazon business at the age of 23, and has since empowered thousands of others to learn from his journey through Seller Tradecraft. Anthony is an expert at driving paid traffic, leveraging social influencers, online arbitrage, private label, and more.
Best CPA/CPC Techniques to Make Sure You’re Getting Your Money’s Worth
Are you a seller on Amazon looking to get the most out of their selling experience?
If so, you know that Amazon as a market of various products and categories can be an intensely competitive experience for most sellers. So you might be wondering what you can do to elevate yourself, distinguish your products and set yourself apart from the competition. To help you out, I’ll tell you about my favorite CPC/CPA techniques to improve your product’s visibility.
Let’s start.
What Are CPA and CPC Strategies?

CPA and CPC are both advertising strategies that you can use to grow your business on Amazon, and I’ve found them incredibly useful.
CPC stands for cost per click, which is the amount of money that you, the seller, has to pay every time your advertisement banner is clicked.
CPA stands for cost per acquisition or cost per action and is an advertising costing model where the advertiser pays for a specified acquisition. This acquisition might be a sale, a lead, a form submission or a sign-up. These actions represent a real lead for the advertiser.
Now CPA and CPC strategies are ways and methods that you can use to benefit from the CPA and CPC models. I’ve found that the best thing about these strategies is that they’re easy to use and they give your products a real boost if used right.
Let’s discuss them in more detail.
Optimize CPA/CPC Techniques to Maximize Conversion Rates

The best part about advertising through CPA/CPC techniques is that you only have to pay for the advertisements if someone either clicks on your ad (CPC) or if someone performs an acquisition, such as filling a sign-up page from your ad (CPA).
This allows for a lot of creative freedom. It means that you have the freedom to utilize CPA/CC in unique, innovative ways to boost your Amazon ranking, establish your credibility as a seller and bring more attention to your products.
Your conversion rate is affected by your sales rank, customer reviews, the quality of your photos, your pricing and a lot more.
The good news is: you can optimize almost all of these factors using some CPA/CPC strategies.
Target the Right Keywords
Choosing the right keywords for your advertising campaign is an essential part of increasing your product’s visibility.
To make things easier for you, I’m going to split this into three parts, each part signifying the types of keywords you need to be targeting, step-by-step.
- Firstly, you need to use long-tail keywords. This means that if you’re selling something like wooden chairs, start with a very specific query, such as “handmade brown resin wooden chairs”.
- These specific keyword queries will help launch your products initially. Next, go for more generic queries, such as “wooden chairs” or “handmade chairs”. This improves your visibility and Amazon learns to rank it in subsequent searches.
- For this final phase, go for the most popular and generic keywords you can find. As per my experience, running multiple campaigns and experimenting with different match types can help you find the keywords that work best for you.
However, there are some common mistakes that you need to look out for.
Commercial keywords and competitive keywords each bring their own set of advantages to the table.
Another tip that worked for many sellers was to use some not-so-direct/alternative keywords. This happened because people often come to Amazon searching for solutions, rather than looking for products.

One of the things that worked out well for me was to use Pixelfy Super URLs to boost my keyword ranking and gain a competitive edge.
Pixelfy Super URLs can help you increase keyword specific product rankings. When a sale is made through a Super URL, Amazon links the click and the search keyword. Afterward, Super URLs give information that Amazon needs to proceed with.
Once you’ve found the best keywords to display your brand the way you want, you’re considerably ahead of the competition.
Use Tracking Links to Get Higher Value for Money

If you’re using CPA/CPC strategies, obviously you want to get a higher value for the money you’re investing.
Here’s what that looks like:
Since CPC/CPA strategies only charge you if a potential customer clicks on your ad, or performs an action, these are likely the people who are most likely to be interested in your product now, or at some point.
To maximize the returns on your investment into CPA/CPC, ideally, you want to keep track of the people who looked at your advertisement and keep engaging with them multiple times.
This is important because then, you’re not losing out on potential customers, you’re following up with people who can be potential customers for you by tracking them.
Once you track people who clicked on your ads, you can hyper-target audiences that are similar to your initial audience in terms of demographics, likes, and interests.
This way, if you pay for every click you get on an ad, you also get to see who clicked on your ad and keep following up with them, instead of just waiting for more clicks and engagements.
When it comes to CPA/CPC, the best tracking method I’ve used is through Pixelfy, which I will talk more about, later in this article.
Be Smart – Advertise Similar Products with the Same Ad Group

If your product has multiple variations, or if you are selling products that are similar to each other, I’ve found that it can be risky to run individual campaigns for each of them.
Why? The answer is simple. It has to do with Amazon’s listing policy.
If your products are very similar to each other, there’s a good chance that they will be listed as child ASINs.
In that context, I’d advise you to avoid running multiple campaigns for them, because they might end up competing with each other for ads and it’ll cost you a heavier sum as well.
The best thing to do here is to group similar products in the same ad group.
So for example, if you’re selling three different flavors of potato chips, instead of making individual ad groups for each flavor, make one campaign and sell them as a pack of three, instead of individual pieces.
This brings you some useful benefits.
One, trust me when I say that most viewers love packaged deals, so that gives you an instant boost in popularity.
Two, this increases your average order value (which is the average amount people spend on one order they place with you) and improves your visibility.
And three, it prevents your ad campaigns from competing amongst themselves, and all your products enjoy the same benefits of the CPC/CPA.
Use Your Ad to Score a Higher Amazon Ranking

You can use your CPA/CPC campaigns to improve your Amazon ranking and grow your product visibility over time.
Here are some things you need to look out for.
Firstly, you should make sure that your keywords are included in your product listings. This will help your product ranking once people search for the keywords you’re using.
Secondly, Amazon advertising allows you to add “negative keywords” in your listings so that your ads don’t show up for irrelevant searches.
For example, if you’re selling boat shoes, but not flip flops, you should add flip flops as a negative keyword to make sure a flip flop search doesn’t take users to your advertisement.
Keep a keen eye on the keywords that the best performing competitors in your product category are using.
There is a good chance that if you identify the most popular keywords and start using them, you’ll find that you’re able to compete with the top sellers for visibility a lot more comfortably.
Moreover, when it comes to keywords, Amazon basically checks the number of times a particular keyword is searched by users and assigns a rating to the keyword. The higher the rating, the more likely Amazon is to promote your products, based on the ranking of your specified keyword.
Pixelfy’s Super URLs now also come with the option of targeting these clickers specifically (sending them links), through a process called super targeting.
Super URLs can help you increase keyword specific product rankings. When a sale is made through a Super URL, Amazon basically links the click and the search keyword. Afterward, Super URLs give information that Amazon needs to proceed with.
This helps boost your Amazon ranking considerably.
Track the Clickers – Build Retargetable Audiences

One of the most important things for a seller to do is to build retargetable audiences.
Let’s look at what that means.
Once you start selling, you need to figure out what demographic of people your products and ads appeal to the most, and one of the best ways to do that is to track your audiences.
As per my experience, I’ve found Pixelfy’s Super URLs to be the best of their kind, and here’s why: These links are constructed so that they have a pixel embedded within them, that tracks everyone who goes to the hyperlinked website.
When you target audiences with a Super URL, you’ll get a list of clickers that can be retargeted later with each click.
This is important because once you track your clickers using the Super URLs, you can target audiences similar to your original audience on different networking sites, such as Facebook.
Through this procedure, you can create custom and lookalike audiences, which fit into the demographic that your products are most popular with. You can even retarget customers to solicit reviews and responses.
All of this isn’t possible with normal links. It’s mildly unfair that big sellers and companies on Amazon hog all the attention and keep it to themselves. Once you start building retargetable audiences using Pixelfy, you’ll boost your chances of competing with them.
Your CPA/CPC campaigns will benefit hugely if you start retaining customers that click on your advertisements.
Wrap Up
By now, you know how to:
- Use Pixelfy to boost your keyword ranking and build retargetable audiences through tracking people who click your links, under the CPA/CPC framework.
- Target the right keywords that increase your chances of visibility by a significant margin.
- Strategies that help you advertise more efficiently using CPA/CPC, especially if your products are similar to one another.
All these techniques are tried-and-tested strategies that can give a significant boost to your Amazon business.
If you still have any questions or if you try out any of these strategies, let me know in the comments below!